The name of the organization will be Palm Valley Country Club Women’s Golf Association (also known as PVWGA), a non-profit organization.
The purpose of the PVWGA will be the promotion and encouragement of the game of golf and good fellowship among its amateur members and to plan, schedule, and conduct both golf and social events for its members.
- Any amateur woman golfer who has a golf membership at Palm Valley Country Club (PVCC) may become a member of PVWGA.
- Any member who fails to pay dues and assessments levied by the PVWGA will be suspended and all privileges of membership will be revoked until all current and back dues assessments have been paid in full.
- Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the membership of the PVWGA will be held monthly from November through May, unless otherwise set by the Board of Directors.
- Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President with written or oral notice to members stating the purpose of the meeting.
- Individual membership dues will be set by the Board of Directors and current dues must be paid in order to compete in organized Play Days.
- If a member cancels her membership before September 1, she will be refunded her payment minus Southern California Golf Association (SCGA) fees. If a member cancels between September 1 and December 31, she will be reimbursed half the membership dues minus the SCGA fees. The Membership Chairman MUST be notified within the allotted time. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- The fiscal year of PVWWGA will be June 1 through May 31.
- Dues are payable by June 1 of each year. Members not paying dues by June 30 will be deleted from the membership. Late payment is subject to a $25.00 penalty.
- The following Officers will be elected: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chairman, and Handicap Chairman, all of whom will constitute the Executive Board.
- The Board of Directors will be composed of the Executive Board and the Extended Board. The immediate past President will act in an advisory capacity without voting rights.
- The following officers will be appointed by the President: Trophy & Goodwill Chairman, Membership Chairman, Rules Chairman, Food & Beverage Chairman, and any others she deems necessary, all of who will constitute the Extended Board.
- The Executive Board will make appointments to fill any vacancy occurring in any office of the Board.
- The Board of Directors will meet prior to all general meetings to conduct the business of the organization. A quorum will consist of a simple majority.
- The term of office for an Executive Board member will be two (2) years. No Board member will be elected to the same office for more than one consecutive term without approval of the membership.
- PRESIDENT. The President will preside at all meetings of the PVWGA and its Board of Directors. She will have the power to execute all documents on behalf of the organization and such other authority as may be delegated to her by the Board. She will be one of three empowered to sign checks to draw upon funds of the organization. The President will appoint all Extended Board members. She will coordinate all activities with the President of the Men’s Golf Committee and the Club Manager. The president acts as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
- VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President will perform all the duties of the President in her absence and will, in case the office is vacated, become President and serve until the next annual election. The Vice President will be the liaison with the SCGA and keep all members advised of SCGA tournaments and administer and coordinate any SCGA charitable projects. In addition, she will serve on the Tournament Committee.
- SECRETARY. The Secretary will keep records of all meetings of the PVWGA and its Board. She will keep all other records and attend to all correspondence of the PVWGA.
- TREASURER. The Treasurer will keep full and accurate accounts of the receipts and disbursements in books kept for that purpose. She will present a financial statement each month to the Board of Directors and present a final year-end report of the finances at the scheduled regular meeting.
- HANDICAP CHAIRMAN. The Handicap Chairman will be responsible for the keeping and filing of accurate records of all members and their handicaps in accordance with the instructions of the Southern California Golf Association. She will appoint one or more to assist her in the execution of her duties.
- TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN. The Tournament Chairman will setup a schedule of Play Days prior to the beginning of each playing season and oversee weekly Play Days, Guest Days, Self-staining Tournaments.& Invitational She may appoint one or more to assist her in the execution of her duties.
- The Nominating Committee will be composed of the following: Two (2) from the Board appointed by the President (one of whom will act as Chairman of the Nominating Committee) and, three (3) elected by the General membership at the PVWGA general meeting in February.
- Membership on the Nominating Committee will not deprive its members of the privilege of being a nominee for office.
- Any vacancy occurring on the committee will be filled by appointment of the President.
- No member will be eligible to serve two (2) consecutive terms on the Nominating Committee.
- The Chairman of the Nominating Committee will present a list of the Executive Board nominees at the PVWGA General meeting in March. The Chairman will ask if there are nominations from the floor. All candidates nominated from the floor must be present at the meeting to voice their acceptance.
- When there is more than one candidate for any office, the full slate will be elected by written ballot at this meeting. The President will appoint tellers to pass out ballots, then collect and count the number of votes for each office. The nominees receiving the majority of votes will constitute the slate of officers.
- If there are no changes to the list of Executive Board nominees presented by the Nominating Committee, there must be a motion and a second to select this slate. The Nominating Chairman will then ask for membership approval either by voice or a show of hands. A list of the slate of officers will be posted on the bulletin board until the April meeting.
- Installation will be held at the general meeting in April.
- When the slate of new officers has been approved by the membership, the President may appoint the Extended Board.
- At this time, the new President and Board of Directors will start making plans for the following season and assume their full duties on June 1.
If any officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board, she will be removed from office. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board will appoint an officer to fill the vacancy.
- Bylaws of the PVWGA may be amended or revised at any Regular or Special meeting of the PVWGA by a two thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment is posted at least twenty (20) days prior to voting.
- The Board of Directors may, from time to time, adopt standing rules, not in conflict with these Bylaws to conduct the affairs of the PVWGA. Standing rules may be adopted or revoked by a majority of the Board of Directors.
- The Executive Board may, from time to time, make changes to the number of and duties of the Extended Board.
- Under extenuating circumstances, the Board of Directors may temporarily amend ARTICLE V – DUES with a majority vote of the Board.
These Bylaws will be following Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and will be the governing authority, with the Bylaws, for this organization.
4/20/23 rk